Manufacturing, Cybellum, The Product Security Platform

Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionMiddle East
Type of solutionSoftware


Cybellum’s product security platform is all about enabling teams to secure devices and products while complying with ever growing regulations.

With an extensive platform to match the needs of specific industries and the individual needs of their products, managers and their teams can rely on dashboards, live vulnerability updates, SBOM-based security approaches, and automating compliance report generation. Simply put, they can generate, manage and validate SBOMs, detect and prioritize vulnerabilities, comply with regulations and manage incident response. All from one place.

Once SBOMs are generated automatically, it opens a world of proactive opportunity for product security teams to utilize all of the Product Security platforms capabilities, such as:
– SBOM Management
– VEX Reporting
– Vulnerability Management
– Product licensing
– And more

When teams use Cybellum, they are choosing to secure their vehicles, medical devices, and industrial equipment that all have to operate securely, no matter what.