Redscan ThreatDetect™

Additional Info

Company size (employees)50 to 99
Type of solutionService


ThreatDetect™ is an outcome-focussed Managed Detection and Response service that helps businesses to rapidly identify and respond to the latest cyber threats. ThreatDetect enables organisations to quickly level-up security capabilities without having to employ and train a large team of experts and make a sizeable capital investment in security controls.

Supplying highly trained Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) professionals, a best of breed technology stack and cyberoffensive intelligence for a cost-effective subscription, ThreatDetect helps organisations to improve cybersecurity maturity by considerably expanding threat coverage and accelerating threat detection and response times.

ThreatDetect continuously identifies gaps in visibility, proactively hunts for unknown threats at the earliest stages of attack, and provides the active support and guidance needed to respond more effectively. The service also helps organisations to fulfil information security and data protection requirements, as mandated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Bank of England and SWIFT.

ThreatDetect clients range from FTSE 100 companies to mid-sized organisations and startups. Redscan clients in the financial sector include banks, hedge funds, wealth management firms and fintech companies.