RunSafe Security, Weapons Systems Cyber Protection

Additional Info

CompanyRunSafe Security
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America


Great Power Competition creates the urgent need for more capable and robust systems. RunSafe Security provides cyber defense solutions proven effective for military use cases, protecting embedded software in weapons systems from cyber exploitation. By implementing RunSafe’s advanced security measures, the military safeguards critical systems against unauthorized access, tampering, and sabotage, ensuring operational reliability and mission success.

Adversaries target software in military systems to compromise weapon functionality. This situation is asymmetric with small cyber attack teams developing kill chains for crucial and costly weapon systems. In addition, traditional cybersecurity measures such as scanning and patching often fall short in addressing the specialized needs of these systems, leaving them exposed to potential threats.

Weapon system programs across the US Department of Defense (DoD) are implementing RunSafe protections. Software development teams, either within the DoD or within a Defense Contractor integrate RunSafe at build time for protection at run-time. RunSafe implementation has achieved Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL 9).

Key Capabilities / Features

RunSafe provides a robust cybersecurity solution specifically designed to protect embedded military systems, including weapons platforms. With the growing complexity of cyber threats, especially in critical defense systems, RunSafe ensures that vulnerabilities are mitigated before they can be exploited, safeguarding mission-critical operations.

Key Features and Benefits:
Seamless Integration: RunSafe’s cybersecurity measures integrate smoothly into existing military systems without requiring significant changes or additional complexity. By embedding security into the software build process, the solution preserves the original functionality of weapons systems, ensuring operational integrity. This integration uses the current development processes, allowing for easy deployment without altering system performance or requiring code rewrites.

Automated Mitigation: One of RunSafe’s core advantages is its ability to automatically mitigate threats before they impact operations. By employing memory randomization techniques, RunSafe disrupts attacks early, preventing adversaries from exploiting vulnerabilities that could compromise weapons systems. This proactive approach not only prevents immediate threats but also reduces the long-term burden on security teams, allowing them to focus on mission objectives rather than constantly reacting to new vulnerabilities.

Minimized Attack Surfaces: RunSafe’s memory protection technology reduces the potential attack surface of weapons systems by randomizing memory locations each time the software runs. This makes it extremely difficult for attackers to pinpoint specific vulnerabilities, protecting sensitive military operations from being compromised. By shrinking the attack surface, RunSafe significantly enhances the resilience of defense systems.

Futureproof from Zero Days: RunSafe’s solution provides lasting protection by eliminating the exploitation of memory-based vulnerabilities, a class that accounts for the majority of cyber exploits targeting military systems. By addressing these vulnerabilities at the core, RunSafe’s solution helps to futureproof weapons systems against unknown and emerging threats, reducing the risk of zero-day attacks and ensuring long-term operational security.

How we are different

RunSafe is a highly powerful tool for protecting weapons programs due to its unique approach to embedded system security. Unlike traditional cybersecurity solutions that often focus on detecting and patching known vulnerabilities, RunSafe takes a proactive approach, embedding security directly into the software build process. This ensures protection from the outset, offering unparalleled resilience for mission-critical defense systems.

Key Advantages of RunSafe for Weapons Programs:
Memory Protection and Randomization: RunSafe employs advanced memory randomization techniques, a key differentiator in its defense strategy. By relocating software functions in memory each time the program runs, RunSafe effectively prevents attackers from creating reliable exploits. This makes it particularly powerful in protecting weapons systems, where memory-based vulnerabilities are among the most exploited. This unique defense mechanism minimizes the attack surface and makes it significantly more difficult for adversaries to compromise sensitive systems.

Automated Zero-Day Mitigation: One of the major challenges in cybersecurity is defending against zero-day vulnerabilities—threats that are unknown and unpatched. RunSafe’s solution helps to futureproof weapons systems by eliminating the exploitation of memory-based vulnerabilities. This approach protects against both known and unknown threats, ensuring that military systems are secure from the most common and dangerous attacks.

Seamless Integration: RunSafe integrates smoothly into existing weapons programs without disrupting operations or requiring code rewrites. This is particularly important for defense systems, where maintaining system performance and functionality is critical. RunSafe works within existing development pipelines, meaning security can be embedded into the build process without any changes to the original system architecture or functionality.

Real-Time Protection and Monitoring: RunSafe’s automated approach provides real-time protection, reducing the need for constant patching or reactive security measures. Additionally, it monitors software during runtime to distinguish between cyberattacks and software bugs, allowing for faster and more accurate incident response.

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