SafeGuard Cyber

Additional Info

CompanySafeGuard Cyber
Company size (employees)50 to 99
Headquarters RegionNorth America


SafeGuard Cyber is the most comprehensive integrated cloud communications security platform to address cybersecurity threats and compliance risks across the modern cloud workplace. Through a combination of unified visibility, contextual analysis, and multi-channel investigations and detections, SafeGuard Cyber mitigates risks in email, mobile, and web messaging apps, collaboration apps, and social media apps across M365, Teams, Slack, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other messaging channels. Powered by Natural Language Understanding and patented Social Engineering Detection technologies, the SafeGuard Cyber platform reduces time-to-discovery and resolution of social engineering and language-based attacks in over 50 languages. The platform’s API-first, agentless deployment ensures enterprise protection is in place no matter the network or device.

SGC stands out in a crowded cybersecurity market because it can detect, isolate, and prevent social engineering attacks through unified visibility, contextual analysis using its patented Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and cross-channel detection.

In summary, the SafeGuard Cyber Platform combats social engineering by providing:

1. Unified visibility: allows for transparency across the organization’s communication channels which assures SOC analysts are not “stuck in swivel chair mode” or constantly chasing threats across the company’s communication channels.

2. Contextual analysis of communications: in-depth insights make it possible to detect and alert on social engineering indicators earlier in the kill chain, such as false urgency, coercive language, persuasion techniques, etc. This analysis adds a crucial layer where defenders can act when training falls short.

3. Cross-channel detection: Often, enterprises face “low and slow” attacks. These may start in one channel and then move to another. SGC provides a holistic view into cross-channel detection so that security teams can quickly and efficiently identify suspicious activity.