SealPath Information Rights Management

Additional Info

Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionEurope


SealPath Protects and Controls Corporate Data, Wherever it travels. It applies persistent encryption that accompanies the files and emails.It controls who accesses the data, when and with what permission (read only, edit, etc.). Monitors accesses and alerts on your organisation’s documentation wherever it may be. It´s the most user-friendly and flexible IRM tool on the market. SealPath protection accompanies the document both on your network and on customers’ or partners’ networks, in the cloud (e.g. Box, Dropbox, etc.) or on a mobile device. You can see the details of accesses to the document and if anybody has attempted to gain access without permission. If you cease to collaborate with the holder you can block or delete the document so that it is inaccessible to that user or anyone else. Granular permission control, Use your usual tools, Integration with corporate systems and the main corporate tools (DLPs, SIEMS, Data Classification..). SealPath provides the most comprehensive file format support on the market. It includes not only Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF but others such as Visio, Access, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, images, text, audio, video, source code, CAD design formats and many others.