AccessMatrix Universal Access Management (UAM)

Additional Info

Companyi-Sprint Innovations Pte Ltd
Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionAsia
Type of solutionSoftware


Universal Access Management (UAM) is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance security and streamline access control processes for organizations. This advanced access management system enables organizations to manage and control access to various applications, data, and resources within their network. It offers a unified platform that encompasses authentication, authorization, and accountability functionalities, providing a centralized approach to access management. One of the key features of UAM is its ability to provide secure and convenient Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. SSO enables users to access multiple applications and systems with just one set of credentials, eliminating the need for multiple logins and enhancing user productivity. UAM supports various types of SSO, such as federated SSO, and can act as both the client and identity provider.

The solution also incorporates multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms, such as biometrics, smart cards, and one-time passwords, to ensure strong user authentication. This helps organizations safeguard against unauthorized access and protect sensitive data. UAM supports various industry standards and protocols, allowing organizations to integrate it seamlessly into their existing IT infrastructure. It works across different operating systems and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, providing flexibility for organizations of all sizes. Furthermore, the solution offers comprehensive access policy management, enabling organizations to define and enforce access policies based on different variables such as user roles, locations, and devices. This granular access control ensures that users are granted the appropriate level of access based on their needs and responsibilities. To enhance security, UAM provides real-time monitoring and logging capabilities, allowing organizations to detect and respond to any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts promptly. It also offers detailed audit trails and reporting functionalities, enabling organizations to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and internal security policies.

Key Capabilities / Features

Key Benefits
• Ease up integration and deployment efforts with native integration with existing LDAP, AD and JDBC directories, i.e. no schema changes or no information written to the external user stores
• Provide a highly scalable, open and reliable platform to support demanding operational requirements such as automatic failover, horizontal & vertical scaling and 24x7 operations
• Provide security management and enforcement of 4As, including authentication policies, authentication methods, user stores and administration delegation, as well as audit compliance reporting
• Lower integration and operational costs with a common set of IAM services for custom enterprise and internet applications to access

• Embedded Strong Authentication, Web SSO, Federated SSO and Enterprise SSO on the same backend
• Extensible Pluggable Authentication Modules support strong authentication requirements using SMS, hardware and software tokens
• Flexible and open APIs are provided for ease of integration and code re-use for security 4As services
• Support SAML, OAuth and OpenID Connect
• Singapore SGFinDex support for Financial Information Service Provider (FISP)
• Tamper-evident Audit Trail
• Scalable

How we are different

UAM fulfils the most rigorous form of application security by providing secure Administration, Authentication, Authorization, and Audit services (4As) to business applications within an organization.

UAM provides a highly scalable, open and reliable platform to support demanding operational requirements such as automatic failover, horizontal & vertical scaling and 24×7 operations.

UAM enables custom enterprise/ internet applications to access a common set of IAM (Identity & Access Management) services and lowers the integration costs involved.