Additional Info

CompanyCydome Security
Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionEurope
Type of solutionSoftware


Cydome, a leading cyber security company for the maritime industry, offers advanced cybersecurity capabilities designed to fend off maritime cybercrime on and offshore. Cydome Cybersecurity Solutions are deployed on multiple fleets and have been validated by maritime organisations such as Inmarsat, Marpoint and others. Cydome is ISO certified for Cybersecurity, Cloud Security and is the first international Certification Body for the “Maritime Cyber Baseline”, a scheme supported by the Royal Institute of Naval Architects in the UK to comply with the IMO Maritime Cyber Risk Management guidelines.
Cydome provides an easy-to-use, self-deployed solution for fleet managers/operators to better monitor and prevent all cyber threats. Its customised, comprehensive cybersecurity suite overcomes the shortcomings of off-the-shelf products. Cydome designed its solution around vessels and their operation so it can run automated, built-in cybersecurity checks while overcoming unique maritime challenges. This includes the real-time monitoring and protection of vessels during their voyage at sea, with an easy to use dashboard such that no expert IT personnel need to be on board which is often the case.
The system has integrated regulatory maritime cybersecurity compliance, helping businesses prove compliance with said regulations. Cydome’s significant commitment to R&D is unique in the maritime cybersecurity sector, with the company collaborating with professional bodies for enhanced research into cyberthreats. Its approach follows the company’s vision of continuous innovation to foresee and defend against future threats.
Cydome’s solution has been used all over the globe for over three years onboard multiple types of vessels, Tanker, LNG, Carriers, Bulkers and others. its clients’ fleets delivering key insights and protection for vessels, and also providing recommendations on how they can enhance their cybersecurity.