Additional Info

Company size (employees)100 to 499
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Introduced in October 2022, LogRhythm Axon is a groundbreaking, scalable cloud-native SaaS security and information event management (SIEM) platform built by analysts for analysts to optimize threat detection and response capabilities while fostering the creation of more efficient, threat-informed security strategies. Built upon over 20 years of real-world security knowledge, this cloud-native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform continuously evolves alongside the threat landscape through bi-weekly updates to keep security teams ahead of the curve.

In today’s diverse data ecosystem, security data is everywhere – from cloud deployments and SaaS solutions to on-premise infrastructure. LogRhythm Axon simplifies this data with its user-friendly interface, seamlessly gathering and enriching logs from disparate sources, supplying organizations with a unified overview of their security posture and surfacing the most critical threats for immediate investigation.

The platform’s advanced analytics and automation capabilities are fine-tuned to optimize an organization’s environment and dynamically adapt to meet the evolving demands of customers in the fast-moving world of cybersecurity. With its streamlined workflows and simplified incident response, LogRhythm Axon effectively reduces the mean time to respond (MTTR) to cyber threats while expanding visibility across the entire infrastructure and streamlining operations. By transforming disparate data into actionable insights, LogRhythm Axon empowers security teams to confidently and efficiently tackle any cyber threat, resulting in a Security Operations Center (SOC) that organizations can trust. Additionally, Security Operation Centers (SOCs) traditionally rely on secondary SIEMs to conduct test scenarios within their environment. With LogRhythm Axon, security analysts can seamlessly execute these tests directly within its user interface (UI). By continually pushing the boundaries of innovation, LogRhythm Axon equips analysts with the tools needed to confront emerging threats head-on, marking a significant advancement in threat detection, investigation, and response capabilities.

Key Capabilities / Features

LogRhythm Axon offers a suite of features designed to streamline security operations and enhance threat detection and response capabilities. LogRhythm Axon was designed with an open cloud-native SaaS architecture, facilitating seamless integration with other cloud services and on-premise applications. This architecture allows LogRhythm Axon to automatically onboard new and custom data sources, ensuring that organizations can gather and enrich logs from disparate sources. By seamlessly presenting this information to organizations within a single user interface, LogRhythm Axon enables security teams to identify and investigate critical threats promptly. The platform eliminates the need to switch between separate search functionality, streamlining the threat detection and response processes.

Utilizing the MITRE ATT&CK framework, LogRhythm Axon detects threats with precision and allows organizations to build custom threat detection rules tailored to their unique environment. This capability not only provides context and clarity to adversary tactics and techniques but also enables teams to test these designated threats within the LogRhythm Axon interface against their security responses to pinpoint any vulnerabilities within their environment.

Equipped with bi-weekly updates, LogRhythm's new features introduced in April include enhanced case management metrics to provide a holistic view of current open cases, streamlined compliance reporting with out-of-the-box content for PCI-DSS 4.0, CMMC, NIST 800-53, and ISO27001, and community collaboration with the import and export of dashboards and searches through a GitHub repository. These features exemplify LogRhythm’s commitment to continuous innovation and dedication to both customer satisfaction and cybersecurity excellence.

How we are different

- LogRhythm Axon releases updates and new features every two weeks. Unlike other vendors, LogRhythm Axon is a continually evolving platform, armed with bi-weekly updates to improve data management and operational efficiency. Keeping customers at the forefront, the LogRhythm Axon product team stays connected to customers and creates the product roadmap and new features directly from customer’s expressed needs. The latest release empowers community sharing between security professionals and LogRhythm experts helping increase a faster time to value. With the import and export of dashboards and searches, the latest integration with SOC prime, and compliance frameworks for PCI-DSS 4.0, HIPAA, CMMC, NIST 800-53 and ISO27001, LogRhythm Axon addresses the time-intensive and manual approaches reported by customers.

- LogRhythm Axon is fully transparent. With the volume of data across various log sources growing exponentially, LogRhythm includes all data in the cost of LogRhythm Axon with no additional fees for usage or add-ons. LogRhythm Axon is sold by the duration of data retention in the platform combined with the daily ingest rate. LogRhythm strives to distinguish itself from competitors by giving customers a predictable and transparent investment.

- LogRhythm Axon is intuitive by design. Built by analysts, for analysts, LogRhythm Axon removes burdens and allows security professionals to focus on security. It augments the analysts' experience by enabling them to easily build dashboards, searches, and analytics rules without knowledge of complex query languages. The unique Policy Builder feature easily builds custom parsers with just a few clicks of a button. In addition, LogRhythm Axon uses a patent-pending, interactive single-screen investigation allowing security teams to analyze contextual insights and manage cases side by side, eliminating the need to pivot to different tabs within the user interface; helping analysts gain faster and more accurate threat investigation.