SendSafely for Slack

Additional Info

Company size (employees)10 to 49
Headquarters RegionNorth America
Type of solutionCloud/SaaS


Have you ever wanted to DM a password, API key, or other secret data to a colleague over Slack?

Slack and similar chat platforms have already replaced email as the go-to method for interacting with colleagues, and are being rapidly adopted as the platform of choice for communicating with external vendors, partners and even customers. With email on the way out, SendSafely has focused on securing these burgeoning digital chat interactions with our world class end-to-end encryption. The lightning fast communication of sensitive data over Slack still needs the same protection as data shared using more outdated methods. Enter SendSafely for Slack, our new app that combines the convenience and efficiency of Slack with the protection of SendSafely’s end-to-end encryption.

SendSafely for Slack secures your secrets shared over Slack with a simple slash command. Once installed, any SendSafely user can send a secure message by typing “/SendSafely” into any DM or channel. This slash command posts a private message with a direct link to encrypt a message for the channel using SendSafely. The message is further protected by automatic expiration and deletion, configurable access limits and channel member authentication.

Key Capabilities / Features

-Message expiration and deletion.
Messages secured by SendSafely are automatically expired after 24 hours and then deleted forever after 5 days. As these messages never touch Slack, you don’t have to worry about secrets lying around in third party logs, or having to redact historical information at the request of customers.

- Configurable access limits.
Choose how many times a message can be read by your recipients. Messages self-destruct after reaching the chosen limit.

- Recipient authentication.
Optionally verify recipient identity with a pin code before allowing access.

- Secure internal and external communications.
SendSafely for Slack works in DMs, channels and even external connections with outside parties.

- Enterprise Oversight.
SendSafely for Slack is a component of the SendSafely enterprise portal, meaning Slack interactions are subject to the same user management, audit and oversight capabilities available to portal administrators as all other SendSafely interactions.

SendSafely and SendSafely for Slack is compliant with GDPR, CCPA and many other global consumer privacy laws.

- Multi-channel support.
Secure all your digital interactions with SendSafely’s multi-channel capabilities. Whether you engage via chat, email, file share, or digital customer service platform, SendSafely has you, and your sensitive data covered.

How we are different

- True end-to-end encryption.
Secret data is encrypted on the sender's machine and not decrypted until it reaches the intended recipient. Unencrypted secrets are never sent to Slack, or SendSafely, or anyone else.

- Multiple layers of protection.
Automatic message expiration and deletion, configurable access limits and channel member authentication provide a multilayered approach to ensuring only authorized recipients can decrypt secret content.

- Ultimate convenience.
Launch SendSafely with a simple slash command. Secure content with minimal clicks or disruption to your conversation. Security at the speed of Slack!